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Research Article

Individual Factors and Academic Success in an EFL Classroom: A Case Study of a Group of 2nd of ESO Learners From a State Public High School in a Valencian Middle-size City

Corresponding Author: Aina Monferrer-Palmer, Universitat Jaume I, FCHS, Av. Sos Baynat s/n. CP. 12071, Castelló, Spain.
Pdf Full text Views (2740)

Research Article

Discourse Analysis of Multilingual In-door Advertisements of Dili, Timor Leste

Corresponding Author: Aloysius Liliweri, University of Nusa Cendana Kupang, Indonesia,
Pdf Full text Views (4862)

Editorial Team

Language is a bridge between cultures as well as a tool for communication. Multilingualism, the ability to speak more than one language is becoming a social phenomenon governed by the needs of globalization and cultural openness. Multilingualism develops cognitive skills Divergent thinking, Mental flexibility, Abstract thinking, Creativity, Memory, Problem Solving, Learning ability, Confidence and Social skills.

Journal of Multilingual Research is an international open access peer-reviewed journal that aimed to disseminate the updates of multilingualism,sociology and social psychology of language,policy, planning and practice. Boffin Access Limited initiated an open platform which provides complete updated information about the research in multilingualism.

Aims and Scope

Journal of Multilingual Research has a wide coverage that includes but not limited to sociolinguistics, linguistics, multilingual education, multilingual competence, language planning and policy, critical theory and pedagogy, bilingual and multilingual accommodations, and contemporary research.

JMR accepts original reports, review articles, case reports, case reviews, clinical images, editorials and letters for publication. JMR publishes high quality articles and follow double blinded peer review process for reviewing manuscripts to meet journal requirements. The editors are glad about the efforts of individual authors who are interested in our journal and submit original and unpublished data.

JMR encourages the associations among scientific communities and collaborations between individual researchers.

Reasons to Publish

  • Global readership
  • Boffin Access journal boast expert Editorial Board who help in with quality decision-making, choosing referees and reviewing manuscripts playing a key role in providing quality knowledge to the world.
  • Fast publication: Processing in 21 working days
  • Promoting published articles on social media
  • Copyright retainment is provided to authors licensing the article under creative commons license
  • Boffin Access journals follow the highest standard of double blinded peer review, thereby subjecting the articles to quality peer review process.
  • Accepted articles will be published online as PDF versions, HTML, video files, Infographics, Audio files and curated web content.
  • Content is published without any space constraints.

Article types

Journal of Multilingual Research accepts Original research papers, Reviews, Perspectives, Rapid Communication, Short Communications, Mini reviews and Commentaries etc.

Subjects covered by the Journal of Multilingual Research

  • Linguistics
  • Multilingual education
  • Multilingual competence
  • Management of multilingualism
  • Multilingual language practices
  • Globalization and immigration studies
  • Cultural psychology
  • Linguistic and psychological anthropology
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Literacy studies
  • Contemporary reseach
  • Post-colonial studies
  • Critical race theory
  • Critical theory and pedagogy
  • Language planning and policy
  • Ethnicity and nationalism
  • Identity politics (with its linguistic, religious and other markers)
  • Languages and cultures in contact
  • Intertwinings among language, culture and religion
  • Language learning
  • Bilingual and multilingual accommodations
  • Translation
  • Programmes and policies of multiculturalism and pluralism
  • Language rights (group and individual)
  • Popular and folk sociolinguistics and usage
  • Reading and literacy
  • Contemporary religious and cultural debates
  • Collective identity and its “markers”
  • Minority-group dynamics
  • Educational provisions for languages and cultures
  • Endangered languages

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