

Raja Kummoona


Professor Raja Kummoona, the Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FDSRCS),Emeritus professor of Maxillofacial Surgery of Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations, Fellow Royal Society of Medicine, Research Fellow Royal college of Surgeons of England for the years (1975-1977),President of Iraqi Dental Society for the years (1977-1985),Registrar of Primary FDSRCS in Iraq for the years(1985-1990),the most distinguished professor of University of Baghdad for the years 1991-1992, and also one of the 40 top scientists in Iraq awarded gold medal for 3 years 2000-2002 by presidential celebration . He had many publication and contribution to science by advocating many surgical procedures and research in cancer surgery and flap reconstruction, TMJ surgery and Maxillofacial injuries, Orbit tumors& injuries ,missile war injuries of the face with advancing surgery of war injuries of the face worldwide. He did contribution in research in cancer, the finder of post graduate studies in maxillofacial surgery in Iraq. Editor of Neck Dissection, Clinical Application and Recent Advances, Feb 2012, Intec, Editor, Surgical Reconstruction of the Temporomandibular Joint,2013 Editor, Germany. Editor of book ,Disease of the TMJ, surgical reconstruction, clinical &experimental Studies, April ,2014,Science PG, Editor ,Missile war injuries of the face, maxillofacial injuries in Road Traffic, book published by Science P G ,2014 and editor of book, Jaw lymphoma and orofacial tumors ,2015 published by Science PG, Editor of new upcoming book (Bone Grafting, recent advances with special reference to Craniomaxillofacial Surgery) December ,2018 INTECH. He is the editor of new upcoming book (Craniofacial Deformity and Normal Variations of Jaws Relationship),publisher OMICS International and member of editorial Board of many international distinguish journals worldwide. He also the President of society of Iraqi Maxillofacial Surgery, Founder member of international society of Head Neck Trauma,2015,London, Chairman Department of Maxillofacial Surgery , College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad 1982-2000, and member of council of college of Dentistry 1975-2000 Founder and chairman council of Maxillofacial Surgery, Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations,1993-2010.

Research Interests:

Cancer surgery and flap reconstruction, TMJ surgery and Maxillofacial injuries, Orbit tumors & injuries , missile war injuries of the face with advancing surgery of war injuries of the face worldwide.

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