1945 State Route 33, Neptune NJ, United States
1Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology & Hypertension, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, Neptune, New Jersey, United States
2Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Ohio, United States
Corresponding author details:
Sushil K. Mehandru, Professor of Medicine Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine Chief
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Neptune NJ,United States
Copyright: © 2020 Mehandru SK, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Alcoholic carbonated drinks have taken up a large share of the beer industry,
particularly among the young adults. The consumption of hard seltzer has grown
exponentially over the past few years. When consumed in large quantities, hard seltzer may
result in severe symptomatic hyponatremia. This is a first study reported to the best of
our knowledge including three cases with severe hyponatremia caused by the consumption
of large amounts of hard seltzer. The patients reported here, presented to the emergency
department (ED) with seizures and serum sodium (PNa) of 96-112 mEq/L. The patients
consumed on average two or more 6-packs of hard seltzer per day and more over the
weekends. The alcohol content was noted at 5% with minimal solute in these beverages.
More cases can be expected to emerge in the future with severe electrolyte imbalance and
dilutional hyponatremia, if people are not educated about appropriate consumption of
hard seltzer drinks. The availability of these drinks in the market in different fruity flavors
and low calorie count makes it even more enticing for the young, leading to excessive
Hyponatremia; Beer potomania; Electrolyte disturbance; Urinary dilution;
Serum sodium concentration; Urine sodium; Hard seltzer
Hyponatremia is one of the most common diagnoses in the hospital or the office practice for the nephrologist. When defined as plasma sodium concentration <135 mEq/L, the prevalence of hyponatremia in hospitalized patients may be as high as 15 to 30% [1]. This can be encountered in dilutional hyponatremia when poor dietary consumption is noted along with increased consumption of low solute drinks. It is commonly seen in patients with alcohol abuse. Hyponatremia patients present with multitude of sign and symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic to severe, with sometimes life threatening conditions. The factors that lead to this occurrence can range from medication induced, excessive water consumption, or underconsumption of sodium containing foods. Being one of the most common electrolytes disturbances, especially in alcoholic patients, the underlying process and subsequent correction is crucial in patients with hyponatremia. Individuals consuming alcoholic beverages especially those with low sodium content are most affected by this. Severity of hyponatremia along with duration helps govern the pace of correction while considering prevention of osmotic demyelination syndrome, that is caused by rapid correction. Hard seltzer sales are increasing exponentially adding to the concern of increase in hyponatremia cases. The category is keeping its monster-growth pace, leading to several brands launching new spiked seltzers at a rapid pace.
Causes of hyponatremia
Excessive water intake can cause hyponatremia by overwhelming normal water
excretory capacity (primary hyponatremia) Table 1 [2]. Most common causes of severe
hyponatremia in adults are thiazides, use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
(SSRI), syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), polydipsia in psychiatric
patients, and gastrointestinal fluid losses. Water retention and hyponatremia usually occurs
with impaired renal function that was not noted in our patients. The renal functions of all our
patients were normal. The hyponatremic state, hypotonic hyponatremia related to excess intake
of free water, this was solely a result of over consumption of hard seltzer, a low solute beverage.
The Edelman equation established that hypotonic (or dilutional) hyponatremia represents an
excess of water relative to the sodium potassium store (Figure 1) [3].
Hypotonic hyponatremia represents an excess of water relative to the body’s sodium and potassium stores. In that context, patients with hypotonic hyponatremia can feature decreased, normal, or increased Nae + ; decreased or normal Ke + ; and decreased, normal, or increased TBW. Nae + , exchangeable sodium; Ke + , exchangeable potassium; TBW, total body water [3].
Hypotonic hyponatremia causes entry of water into the brain, resulting in cerebral edema. This results in headaches, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, disorientation, depressed reflexes, seizures, coma, permanent brain damage, respiratory arrest, brain stem herniation, and death [2] (Figure 2).
Because the surrounding cranium limits expansion of the brain, intracranial hypertension develops, with an increased risk of brain injury. Fortunately, solutes leave the brain within hours, inducing a water loss and ameliorating brain swelling [4,5]. This process of adaptation by the brain accounts for the relative asymptomatic nature of severe hyponatremia if it develops slowly. Nevertheless, brain adaptation is also a source of risk of osmotic demyelination syndrome [6-8]. As shown in Figure 2, hyponatremia effects brain cell dysfunction [2]. Although rare, osmotic demyelination is serious and can develop one to several days after aggressive treatment of hyponatremia by any method, including water retention alone [9- 11]. Causes of hypo-osmolality syndrome in beer drinkers was first described by Gwinup et al in 1972 [12]. Beer potomania was described in 1986 by Joyce at al., resulting in severe hyponatremia in patients after consumption of large amounts of beer [13]. Hypokalemia has also been reported in many cases of hyponatremia with potassium levels as low as 1.3 mEq and PNa 105, these patients presented with weakness, seizures, and coma [14].
Mechanism of hyponatremia in consumption of low
solute drinks
In studies done in excessive beer intake resulting in hyponatremia,
poor solute intake has been implicated in hyponatremia seen in
beer potomania [15]. In these cases and in cases presented in
our publication, pathophysiology of hyponatremia is based upon
consumption of poor solute drinks such as hard seltzer, beer, etc., by
the concept of solute free-water clearance in the kidney. Specifically,
low solute intake reduces urinary excretion of osmoles, thereby
capping a ceiling on the renal capacity of free-water excretion. A
positive water balance follows an excess of water intake, causing
dilutional hyponatremia [15]. A person with normal renal functions
and normal dietary intake removes about 600-900 mOsm/day [16].
With maximum urinary dilution of 50 mOsm/L, a person can excrete
about 20 liters of water without becoming hyponatremic, allowing
for a broad range of water intake (reaching up to 20 L) [17-19]. As
free-water clearance in a person with normal diluting capacity is
dependent on osmole excretion, a decrease in daily dietary osmole
intake can have a vast decrease in the excretory capacity of the kidney.
Therefore, this decrease in daily dietary osmoles in even minute fluid
excess can cause dilutional hyponatremia. Beer potomania patients
have a long history of beer intake, as well as poor dietary patterns.
Similar phenomena, we assume occurs in our cases presented here
in. Hard seltzer drinks result in severe hyponatremia. There is a
definite lack of publications regarding hard seltzer and its effects on
electrolyte balance. Trace amounts of sodium in hard seltzer as in
beer can be 14-20 mg/12 Fl Oz can and almost no protein content.
In addition, beer has some calories that prevent muscular proteolysis
resulting in dramatic decrease in urea generation. Thus, these
patients have very low osmolar load as dietary protein breakdown is
the main component of osmolar load, as well as small amounts from
sodium and potassium.
Table 1: Causes of hypotonic hyponatremia
Figure 1: Pathogenesis of hypotonic hyponatremia as derived
from the Edelman equation
Figure 2: Effects of hyponatremia on the brain and adaptive
Case Study 1
A 23 year old Caucasian female with unremarkable primary
health history, presented to the ED after a severe shaking episode followed by confusion. Patient started to have abdominal pain two
days prior to presentation. Pain was mild and associated with nausea.
Two days prior to admission, basic metabolic panel (BMP) was done
and showed serum sodium of 129 mEq/L. Patient felt more tired and
then shortly before presentation developed a tonic clonic seizure that
lasted for one minute. There was no past history of seizure disorder.
Patient was confused after a few minutes. She was brought to the
emergency department and was completely oriented on presentation.
Patient reported mild fatigue and nausea for a few days prior to ED visit. She did not report any vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, decreased water intake, severe dehydration, palpitation, dizziness, excessive exercise, or exposure to hot weather recently. Patient denied any excessive water intake or beer consumption. However, Patient reported drinking six 12 oz cans of hard seltzer beverage on nightly basis and doubled her consumption on weekends.
No past medical or surgical history was reported. No use of thiazide diuretics or SSRIs was reported.
Patient denies smoking or drinking beer, however, she reported frequent consumption of hard seltzer beverages.
Patient does not have any allergies and does not take any medications.
Vitals: heart rate 101 per minute, blood pressure 120/82 mm Hg, respiratory rate 16 per minute, pulse oximetry 96% on Room air.
Physical Exam: Patient’s physical exam was unremarkable. Patient was alert, awake, oriented x3, normocephalic/atraumatic, lungs were clear to auscultation, heart sounds normal s1 and s2 without murmur, abdomen was noted soft, non-tender, not distended. Neurological exam revealed no cranial nerve deficit, no focal sensory or motor deficits.
Laboratory and radiological data: Patient laboratory data included hemoglobin 15 g/dl, hematocrit 39.7 %, white blood cell count (WBC) 9.8 uL, platelets 287 uL, sodium 107 mEq/L, chloride 68 mEq/L, potassium 3.1mEq/L, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 7 mg/ dl, creatinine 1.08 mg/dl, magnesium 2.4 mg/dl, Phosphorus 3.3 mg/ dl, creatinine kinase (CK) 224 iU/L, HCG qualitative negative, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 0.988 IU/ml, albumin 4.5 g/dl, serum osmolality 230 mOsm/kg, urine osmolality 128 mOsm/kg, and urine sodium < 10 mmol/l. Computed tomography (CT) scan of the head without contrast was negative for acute changes.
Treatment: Patient was diagnosed with severe hyponatremia resulting in a seizure episode. Based on the history, serum osmolarity, low potassium and chloride, hyponatremia was assumed to be secondary to excessive consumption of hard seltzer beverages. Patient was admitted to the intensive care unit and was started on fluid restriction. She was also given potassium chloride for hypokalemia. Serum sodium improved to 111 mEq/L two hours post admission. Patient was not started on 3% saline to prevent over correction. Patient was continued on fluid restriction, the sodium improved to 132 mEq/L before discharge in 4 days. Patient did not have any neurological sequalae on follow up.
Second admission, May 2020: Patient presented two months post initial admission for abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting with low serum sodium, 119 mEq/L. Urine osmolality was 136 mOsm/kg, urine sodium on this admission was < 10 mmol/L, and serum potassium was 3.2 mEq/L. Patient had no neurological event during this admission. Despite extensive counseling during the initial admission, patient continued consumption of 6 pack hard seltzer daily. Patient was placed on strict fluid restriction. She was subsequently discharged in three days with plasma sodium at 137 mEq/L and resolution of all presenting symptoms.
Case Study 2
A 59 year old African American male with past medical history
of hypertension and alcohol abuse, with frequent hospitalizations for
hyponatremia related to hard seltzer binge drinking episodes. Patient
presented to the ED for generalized weakness and seizure. There was
no past history of seizure disorder. He also presented with abdominal
pain and nausea. Patient exhibited intermittent confusion in the ED.
He reported mild weakness and fatigue that was initially exertional
but becoming functional. He did not report any vomiting, diarrhea,
constipation, change in water intake, severe dehydration, palpitation,
dizziness, or excessive exercise.
Patient denied any excessive water intake or beer consumption. He reported drinking hard seltzer daily with varying degrees from 6-8 cans a night to more than 14 cans.
Past medical history included hypertension and alcohol abuse.
No surgical history was reported
Patient reports drinking beer in the past, however, now drinks hard seltzer consistently for the past few years.
Patient does not have any allergies and takes Lisinopril 5mg daily, no thiazide diuretics or SSRI use was reported.
Vitals: heart rate 67 per minute, blood pressure 129/76 mm Hg, respiratory rate 18 per minute, pulse oximetry 96% on Room air.
Physical exam: Patient’s physical exam was unremarkable. Patient was alert and awake with intermittent periods of confusion, normocephalic/atraumatic, lungs were clear to auscultation, heart sounds normal s1 and s2 no murmur, abdomen was noted soft, nontender, not distended. Neurological exam revealed no cranial nerve deficit, no focal sensory or motor deficits.
Laboratory and radiological data: Patient laboratory data included hemoglobin 13.1 g/dl, hematocrit 36.6 %, white blood cell count (WBC) 6.2 uL, platelets 198 uL, sodium 112 mEq/L, chloride 72 mEq/L, potassium 3.8 mEq/L, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 11 mg/ dl, creatinine 0.95 mg/dl, magnesium 2.5 mg/dl, Phosphorus 3.2 mg/ dl, creatinine kinase (CK) 180 iU/L, HCG qualitative negative, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 1.21 IU/ml, albumin 3.9 g/dl, serum osmolality 232 mOsm/kg, urine osmolality 116 mOsm/kg, and urine sodium < 10 mmol/l.
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the head without contrast was negative for acute changes.
Treatment: Patient was diagnosed with severe hyponatremia
with the complication of seizure. Based on the history, serum
osmolarity, hyponatremia was assumed to be secondary to excessive
consumption of hard seltzer. Patient was admitted to the hospital
for management of hyponatremia. Patient was also placed on fluid
restriction. Serum sodium improved to 118 mEq/l the day after
admission; patient was not started on 3% saline to prevent over
correction. Plasma sodium started to improve slowly with strict fluid
restriction. Patient’s plasma sodium improved to 138 mEq/L before
discharge. Patient did not have any neurological sequalae on follow
Case Study 3
A 24 year old Caucasian male with past medical history of
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and alcohol abuse presented to ED
for severe weakness, nausea, and seizures. He also complained of
abdominal pain on admission. Patient reported weakness that started
2 days prior to ED visit. He did not report any vomiting, diarrhea,
constipation, change in water intake, severe dehydration, palpitation,
dizziness, excessive exercise, or exposure to extreme heat. No prior
history of seizures was reported. Patient denied any excessive water
intake or beer consumption. He reported drinking hard seltzer daily,
2 six packs and more on the weekends.
Past medical history included hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and alcohol abuse.
No surgical history was reported.
Patient reports drinking beer heavily in the past but now drinks hard seltzer.
Patient does not have any allergies and was not taking any medications. No use of thiazide diuretics or SSRIs was reported
Vitals: heart rate 72 beat per minute, blood pressure 110/74 mm Hg, respiratory rate 16 breaths per minute, pulse oximetry 98% on Room air.
Physical exam: Patient’s physical exam was unremarkable. Patient was alert and awake with confusion, normocephalic atraumatic, lungs were clear to auscultation, heart sounds normal s1 and s2 no murmur, abdomen was noted soft, non-tender, not distended. Neurological exam revealed no cranial nerve deficit, no focal sensory or motor deficits, 2+ reflexes in all extremities and normal tone.
Laboratory and radiological data: Patient laboratory data included hemoglobin 15.2 g/dl, hematocrit 43.6 %, white blood cell count (WBC) 7.2 uL, platelets 222 uL, sodium 96 mEq/L, chloride 52 mEq/L, potassium 4.0 mEq/L, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 10 mg/dl, creatinine 0.98 mg/dl, magnesium 2.4 mg/dl, Phosphorus 3.2 mg/ dl, creatinine kinase (CK) 75 iU/L, HCG qualitative negative, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 1.0 IU/ml, albumin 4.2 g/dl, serum osmolality 205 mOsm/kg, urine osmolality 101 mOsm/kg, and urine sodium < 10 mmol/l.
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the head without contrast was negative for acute changes.
Treatment: Patient was diagnosed with severe hyponatremia with the complication of seizure. He was admitted to the hospital and started on 3% saline for management of hyponatremia. Based on the serum osmolarity on presentation, hyponatremia was assumed to be secondary to excessive consumption of hard seltzer. Patient was also placed on fluid restriction.
Consistent and stable rise in PNa was noted for the first 20
hours to 101 mEq/L. At 24 hour mark, the PNa suddenly rose to 106
mEq/L, patient exhibited signs and symptoms (extreme confusion
and agitation) of Central Pontine myelinolysis (ODS: Osmotic
Demyelination Syndrome) which was confirmed with MRI. At
that time 3% saline was discontinued and patient was given D5W.
Patient sodium improved to 135 mEq/L one week post admission
to the hospital. Patient was then discharged to rehabilitation
center. Two months post discharge from the hospital, post intensive
rehabilitation, patient was discharged to home and was able to
resume his professional duties without any residual neurological
Figure 3A: Example of nutrition label of a beer
Figure 3B: Example of nutrition label of a hard seltzer
The market for hard seltzer has grown exponentially over the past few years. This rapid growth has reduced consumption of beer specifically among the young adults. Beer consumption now carries a stigma among younger generations. Almost all alcohol producing companies have started to produce and market hard seltzer to benefit from this growing trend. With the increase in degree popularity of this product, many more young adults are expected to consume this beverage, with some in excess leading to severe symptomatic hyponatremia, as seen in cases presented here. This publication may be followed by many other reports about severe hyponatremia resulting in neurological sequalae. It is also seen in clinical practice and reported that hyponatremia may also cause death [26]. Patients with moderate hyponatremia have severe underlying disease than those with severe hyponatremia [27] and therefore higher mortality rate [26]. Thirty nine (73%) of the patients who died in the study conducted by Chawla et al on hyponatremia had PNa < 125 mEq/L at the time of admission to the hospital; 14 (27%) were normo-natremic or mildly hyponatremic at admission, but their serum sodium fell below 120 mEq/L during hospitalization [26].
Two cases in this publication had acute hyponatremia with PNa 107 mEq/L and 96 mEq/L, whereas the third patient had a history of hypotension, chronic alcoholism with recurrent hospitalizations for hyponatremia, resulting from binge drinking of hard seltzer. Case # 2 became symptomatic at PNa < 130. In all patients, serum sodium was corrected to over 132 mEq/L within 4-5 days. Importance of urine sodium in these and other hyponatremic patients for appropriate diagnosis has not been studied or published well. Urine sodium was found to be low in almost all the patients with large intake of hypoosmolar beverages, leading to severe hyponatremia. Urine sodium in all our patients was < 10 mmol/l on admission.
Hyponatremia in our cases was purely resulted from overconsumption of hard seltzer which is a low solute drink. Risk of osmotic demyelination syndrome was considered but couldn’t be controlled in one patient. Correction of potassium is equally important while correcting low plasma sodium. Equal amount of sodium is retained with correction of potassium, they are directly correlated. 1 mEq of retained potassium affects serum sodium as much as 1 mEq of retained sodium, even partial correction of potassium depletion can cause excessive rise in serum sodium without sodium administration [3]. If sodium is being administered at the time, potassium should also be closely monitored. As correction of potassium may increase the risk of overcorrection of sodium and hence occurrence of ODS. It has been well documented and recommended that hyponatremia correction should not exceed 6-8 mEq/L in any 24 hour period; this cutoff applies to both acute and chronic hyponatremic patients, regardless of clinical presentation and methods of treatment, including active management and spontaneous correction [3]. However, it is also recommended that the rate of sodium correction should be 6 to 12 mEq/L in the first 24 hours and 18mEq/L or less in 48 hours [27].
Electrolyte disturbances like hyponatremia, may cause further complications including organ damage. Hyponatremia may contribute to organ dysfunction and therefore indirectly contribute to mortality [24]. Emerging data may implicate hyponatremia in falls [28], osteoporosis [29], and fractures, suggesting effects on nervous system and bones [30-32]. A recent study identified hyponatremia as an independent predictor of myocardial infarction in community patients (33). Hyponatremia can aggravate peripheral insulin resistance [34], impaired hepatic gluconeogenesis [35], and induce a negative isotropic response [36]. One of the studies focusing on hyponatremia reported, the overall mortality rate was 6.1% among all 45,693 hospitalized patients in this study with hyponatremia (PNa <135 mEq/L), compared with 2.3% among 165, 146 patients with PNa >135 mEq/L (Figure 3).
Hyponatremia has been well reported in beer potomania [9,10] but its prevalence with the consumption of hard seltzer has not been reported to the best of our knowledge. Recent addition of hard seltzer to the shelves of liquor stores has brought this product to many, mostly younger generation increasing the risk of hyponatremia and hyponatremia related complications by several folds. Additionally, low calorie and low carbohydrate count makes this product even more enticing compared to other alcoholic beverages available in the market. The trend is rapidly changing from beer consumption to consumption of hard seltzers due to its availability in several fruity flavors. The situation has even worsened due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, seltzers have racked up nearly $1 billion in sales from March 7 to May 30, according to Nielsen. In comparison, spiked seltzer sales totaled $1.5 billion in all of 2019 [37]. As most liquor companies, especially beer manufacturers have started producing and marketing hard seltzer, the demand is still hard to meet. An IWSR report predicts that consumption of hard seltzer brands is expected to triple by 2023 [38].
The low sodium content and poor dietary intake during binge
drinking episodes adversely affect serum sodium levels. Since
sodium is one of the main bio-elements, which is responsible for
proper neuromuscular excitability maintenance and contributes
in nerve impulse conduction, sodium balance disorders may be
related to a risk to basic life functions [24]. In hard seltzer patients,
hyponatremia is purely present due to dilutional causes. This is not
the case in patients with general hyponatremia.
Hyponatremia in alcoholic patients is not a new concept, beer
potomania has been part of literature and clinical practice for long.
Newly discovered effects of excessive consumption of hard seltzer
shows hyponatremia in alcoholic patients, sometimes severe leading
to neurological sequalae. With increasing prevalence of hard seltzer
consumption, an increase in the cases of hyponatremia can be
*SKM and SK are the recipients of a pharmaceutical grant from
Relypsa Inc.
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