Department of Midwifery, Harar Health Science College, Harar, Ethiopia
Corresponding author details:
Gosasye Teklehaymanot Zewde
Department of Midwifery
Harar Health Science College Harar
© 2019 Teklehaymanot Zewde
G. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 international License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Hand Washing, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Harar Town
Hand washing is the rubbing together of all surfaces and cleaning of the hands using a
soap or chemical and water. It should be performed after arriving at work, before leaving
work, between client contacts, after removing gloves, when hands are visibly soiled, before
eating, after excretion of body wastes (urination and defecation), after contact with body
fluids, before and after performing invasive procedures, and after handling contaminated
equipment [1].
World Health Organization (WHO) introduced “My five moments for hand washing” to minimize problems related to hand washing. These five moments that call for the use of hand washing include the moment before touching a patient, before performing aseptic and clean procedures, after being at risk of exposure to body fluids, after touching a patient, and after touching patient surroundings [2]. Healthcare worker’s hands are the most usual type of vehicle for transmission of health care associated infections for handling it universal Precautions” are designed to prevent health care staff being exposed to blood and body fluids by applying the basic principle of infection control through hand washing [3,4].
Statement of the problem
Nosocomial infections due to poor hand hygiene are a major
cause of increasing morbidity, mortality, and health care costs among
hospitalized patients worldwide. The high prevalence of these
infections, as high as 19%, in developing countries poses a challenge
to health care providers [5]. Health care workers’ hands are the
most usual type of vehicle for transmission of health care associated
infections. Pathogenic microorganisms can stay for 2-60 minutes on
health care workers’ hands [3].
An estimated more than 1.4 million people worldwide are suffering from infections acquired in hospitals. Hospital Aacquired Iinfection as the fifth leading cause of death in acute care hospitals [2]. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in US nearly 1.7 million HAIs occur yearly, leading to approximately 99,000 deaths every year However, about 50% of health care associated infections occur due to hand of health care providers (HCPs) [6]. In Sub-Saharan countries the problems associated with patient safety is often hampered by inadequate data. However, prevalence studies on hospital-wide healthcare-associated infection from some African countries reported high infectionrates (Mali 18.9%, Tanzania 14.8%, Algeria 9.8%) with patients undergoing surgery being the most frequently affected) due to poor hand hygiene practice [7]. Increased workloads, under- staffing, limited time, lack of role models among colleagues or seniors, lack of organizational pledge to good hand hygiene practice, disagreement with guidelines and protocols and lack of motivation have all contributed to poor compliance with hand hygiene and infection control measures. Lack of hand hygiene products and facilities, such as running water, sinks, antiseptic or non-antiseptic soaps, alcohol hand-rubs and hand paper towels, can also play a major role in poor hand hygiene practice [8]. Despite limited studies were conducted on issue of EC in the country there is lack of well documented study and sufficient information in my study area. Therefore this study will try to fill the information gaps and used to identify knowledge, attitude and hand washing practice of health workers and problems exists and drawn possible solution. It will also serve as correction madding tools for stake holders including Harari region health bureau. Finally it will be serving as a base line data for other researchers.
General objective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice of hand washing among health workers in Jugel hospital Harar, Town Eastern Ethiopia 2019.
Specific objective: To assess knowledge of health workers on hand washing in Jugel hospital Harar, Town East Ethiopia
To identify attitude of health workers on hand washing in Jugel hospital Harar, Town east Ethiopia
To identify practice of health workers on hand washing in Jugel hospital Harar, Town east Ethiopia
Study area and study period
This study was conducted in Harari regional State Harar Ethiopia
which was located in the eastern part 526 km away from Addis Ababa,
the capital city of Ethiopia. In the region 20 health posts, 8 health
centers and 18 Private for profit clinics, 25 pharmaceutical retails out
let, 3 pharmaceutical whole sellers and 2 modern laboratories are
available and 7 Hospitals were available and the study was conducted in Jegula hospital which was established in 102. It has 105 inpatient
beds. The general staff Composition of Hospital is 239, of them 162
are BSc nurses, 56 Diploma nurses,30 health officers, 3 Laboratory
technician, 4 labtechnology, 10 mid wife Diploma, 17 Bsc Midwife,13
Pharmacy , 19 medical doctor. This study was conducted from April
11 to April 30 , 2019.
Study Design
Institutional based cross sectional study design was used.
Source population
All health care providers who are working in Jugel Hospital
Study Population
Randomly selected health care provider who are working in Jugel
Sample size
The sample size was determined by using a single population proportional formula
sample size was calculated for the three variables using of good knowledge 84.2 from study conducted in Bahir Dar City [9] prevalence of patient’s attitude which is 74 % from study conducted in Srilanka [10] prevalence of Hand washing practice, which is 43% from study conducted in Afar (11) by comparing the three sample size the highest was taken which becomes 377 .Using sampling size estimation method and finite population correction the total sample size will be obtained as
- is the corrected sample size
By adding 10% non-response rate, the final sample size was= 126
Sampling Techniques and Procedure
Simple random sampling technique was used to select the
study participants. The questionnaires was distributed to different
wards (emergency department, surgical department, laboratories,
outpatient departments, operation room, pediatrics, injection
and dressing rooms, EPI unit, F.P unit, and pharmacy). It was
filled by health professionals at their work places and collected by
data collectors. Study participants was proportionately allocate
to number of different profession and the first participant was
selected randomly. Stratified random sampling techniquewas used to
proportionally allocate.
Figure 1: Schematic presentation of sampling technique on health
care workers of Jugel Hospital, 2019.
Dependent Variable
Knowledge, attitude & Practice on Hand washing
Independent Variable
Age, Sex, Place of residence, marital status, Religion, Ethnicity,
Work experience, Profession
Data Quality Control
To assure the quality of data pretested was done on 5% of
total sample size in HFSUH. Training was given for data collector’s
supervisor and data entry clerks prior to the study. Data completeness,
consistency and legibility were cheeked by supervisor on daily based
and double data entry was performed by separate data clerk.
Data Processing, Analysis and Presentation
After data collection each questionnaire was checked for
completeness, consistency then coded. Epi-Data version 3.1 and
SPSS version 21 were used for data entry and analysis. Frequency
is runned to analyze descriptive statistics. Knowledge, attitude and
practice part are analyzed based on total question mean value were
used to classify as good or Poor knowledge, altitude and practice
on hand hygiene. Finally the study finding was presented by figure,
tables and graphs and it will interpreted accordingly.
Ethical Consideration
Ethical clearance letter was obtained from Harar health Science
College Institution Research Ethics Review Committee. Permission
was obtained from study institution. All the participants were
informed the purpose, advantages and disadvantages, and there
right to be involved or not also with draw from the study at any time.
Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Confidentiality
was maintained by avoiding names and other personal identification.
A total of 125 respondents have participated in this study with a response rate of 99.2 %.Majority 42 (33.6%) of respondents were between 26-30 years of age and Male in sex 76 (60.8%). Regarding residence and marital status majority 94 (75.2%) and 69 (55.2%) were urban habitant and married. 63 (50.4%) of respondents were Muslim religion followers. more than half 73 (58.3%) of study participants had more than five year work experience (Table 1).
All the 125 staffs have responded to the questionnaire and the
distribution of the staff was: 19(15.2%) physicians, 46(36.8%)
were B.Sc nurses, 19 (15.2%) was diploma nurses, 18(14.4%) were
midwifery nurse, 2(1.6%) Health officer and the rest others 19
(15.2%) were laboratory technicians, pharmacy and anesthetists.
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of respondents in Jegula
Hospital at Harar town Eastern Ethiopia, 2019.
In these study about 88 (70.4%) of health profession were having training on infection prevention/hand washing and only 20(16%) of participants describe that there is no need of hand washing for those who perform their activity with caution. Majority 74 (59.2%) agreed that no need of hand washing if gloves are properly worn (Table 2, Figure 2).
Figure 2: Level Health profession knowledge toward hand washing
among selectedstaff in JegulaHospital in 2019.
Table 2: Knowledge related characteristics of study participants in
Jegula Hospital at Harar town Eastern Ethiopia, 2019.
Figure 3: Level Health profession knowledge toward hand washing
among selected staff in JegulaHospital in 2019.
Table 3: Attitude related characteristics of study participants in
Jegula Hospital, Harar town Eastern Ethiopia, 2019.
Figure 4: Practice Level of Health profession toward hand washing
among selected staff in Jegula Hospital in 2019.
Table 4: Practice related characteristics of study participants in
Jegula Hospital, Harar town Eastern Ethiopia, 2019.
In this study, out of 125 health professionals, 76 (61%) were knowledgeable and 49 (39%) were not knowledgeable this finding in line with study done in Afar, region Dubti Hospital in which 66% were good knowledge and 34% were poor knowledge about hand hygiene [11] while the finding was lower than study done in Shenen Gibe Hospital in which about 83% of them had good knowledge and 17% had poor knowledge [12]. The difference might be due difference in sample size study area and socio – demographic characteristics.
In this study about 58.4% of respondents had good attitude toward hand hygiene practice. These finding is lower than study done in srilanka 74%, West Hrarghe Chiro 71.9% and woliata sodo 93% [10,13,14]. The possible reasons for may be difference in study area as well as lack of standard operating procedures and strict rules to implement hand washing.
In these study about 93 (74.6%) of respondent has good practice
concerning hand hygiene whereas 32(25.4%) had poor hand washing
practice. These finding is higher than study conducted in Nigeria in
which about 42.2%, Dubti Hospital, 43% Afar Region, 43% Jimma
Hospital [15,11,16]. The difference could be due to difference in
complying hand washing policy, availability of hand washing facilities
around health institution as well as difference in sample size.
In this study about 61% of respondents had good knowledge and
58.4% of respondents had positive attitude and 74.6% of respondent
has good practice concerning hand washing in health facility
Based on the result finding majority of the respondent had attendee work shop on IPPS/ hand hygiene and had good knowledge on hand hygiene but there are not aligned and obey the practice as it was proved by majority of respondent agreed that no need for hand washing for those who perform their activity with caution, No need of hand washing if gloves are properly worn and health care workers should no need of always wash their hands immediately after arriving facilities. Most of the study subjects were had good attitude and practice towards hand washing but not performing it all the time as it was mentioned on the standard just before and after contact with patient, after contact with body secretions, before performing any aseptic procedures, before performing any clean procedure.
In this study about 61% of respondents had good knowledge and
58.4% of respondents had positive attitude and 74.6% of respondent
has good practice concerning hand washing in health facility. Even
though what had observed is good, Jegula Hospital should give
attention to improve the knowledge and practice of those Health Care
Workers towards hand washing. Regular practice of hand washing
requires supplies like soap, water, dry and clean towel, etc. depending
on the type of procedure to be performed at all times. Therefore, the
hospital and other concerned bodies should fulfill those necessary
facilities to improve practice of hand washing. The hospital
authorities are responsible for posting the general guidelines for the
staff at each hand washing site. Close supportive supervision and
positive encouragement should be better to be performed by hospital
administrators to create adherence on hand washing practice as per
standard. Finally further study is recommended with large sample
size including other health institutions.
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