Department of Interventional Neurology and Neurosurgery, MAX Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi, India
Corresponding author details:
Chandril Chugh
Department of Interventional Neurology and Neurosurgery
MAX Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi,India
© 2018 Chugh C, et al. This is
an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
international License, which permits unrestricted
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are credited.
HSV encephalitis is a well known entity in the world of neurology. It is well known that
if not treated in time it is a potentially fatal and debilitating disease. Here we discuss an
atypical presentation as well as rare imaging features associated with this infection.The
aim of this case report is to remind the reader that even infectious process can present like
acute vascular syndromes and highlight the imaging findings not typically associated with
this processso timely diagnosis can be made and lives be saved.
HSV encephalitis; Atypical infection; Rare radiological findings
We present a case of a 52 year old man in apparently good health presenting with
sudden onset of left sided weakness and altered mental status. He had been doing his usual
work as a laborer the day before and had no preceding trauma, viral prodrome, fever or
rash. In the emergency room an urgent head CT was done which was unremarkable. This
was followed by a MRI and MR angiogram scan of the brain which showed right hemispheric
diffusion restriction in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery and right anterior
cerebral artery. The vascular imaging was unremarkable. The patient was admitted to
the neuro ICU where a guarded lumbar puncture was performed and was suggestive of
viral meningitis with high protein and lymphocytosis. There were no red blood cells and
glucose was normal. He was empirically started on acyclovir and CSF PCR for herpes virus
was sent which came back positive at a later date. While in the ICU the patient had an EEG
which showed generalized slowing without any evidence of seizures. His mental status and
weakness improved over the next two days when he was shifted out of the ICU and then
subsequently discharged without any deficits (Figure1).
Figure 1: T2 sequence showing right frontal, temporal and deep white matter
Herpes Simples Viral Encephalitis (HSE) if one of the most
common and fulminant viral infections. If not treated in time it
can cause reversible neurological damage. Most commonly HSV1 infection causes viral encephalitis. Patients usually present
with amnesia, confusion, fever, headache or seizures. The onset of
symptoms is rapid over the course of a few days [1]. HSE tends to
affect patients younger than 20 and older than 50 years of age and
both sexes are at equal risk of contracting the disease [2]. Sometimes
focal neurological signs may develop and patients may have
hemiparesis and difficulty talking. HSE can leave the patient with permanent neurological deficits hence prompt diagnosis and early
empirical treatment is preferred to limit focal neurological damage.
Diagnosis of HSE is based on clinical findings, cerebrospinal fluid
examination and radiological studies. Acute HSE CSF has a typical
profile of viral infection but, sometimes red blood cells (10-500/
uL) and xanthochromia may be seen. CSF Protein (60-700 mg/dL) is
elevated and CSF glucose may be normal or slightly decreased [3].
CSF PCR for HSV1 and HSV2 remains the main stay for diagnosing
HSV. CSF PCR has a sensitivity of 94-98% and specificity of 98-100%.
CSF PCR turns positive within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms and
can remain positive for at least 5-7 days after the start of antiviral
therapy. The test may be falsely negative in the early phase of infection
(<72 hours of onset of symptoms) and may need to be repeated
if the clinical suspicion is high [4]. MRI is the imaging modality of
choice and HSV infection. Typical of HSE is bilateral asymmetrical
involvement of the limbic system, medial temporal lobes, insular
cortices and inferolateral frontal lobes. The basal ganglia are typically
spared [5]. Sometimes hemorrhagic changes may also be seen on the
MRI. Unilateral hemispheric involvement in HSE is very rare. As in
our case there was unilateral involvement of the right hemisphere
and the cingulate cortex with the involvement of basal ganglia. There
are very few case reports in the literature with such extensive and
unilateral involvement in HSE [5]. As discussed above the patients
usually present with a rapid decline over the course of few days
however, in our case the presentation was more like an acute
vascular event which prompted the workup on the lines of stroke.
Once a large vessel occlusion was ruled out a differential diagnosis
of viral encephalitis was made based on clinical findings, CSF studies
and the imaging. It is both interesting and essential to be aware of
such a presentation of treatable viral encephalitis which carries a
high mortality and morbidity. Our patient was treated with a 14 days
course of acyclovir and discharged without any deficits. (Figure 2-4)
Figure 2: FLAIR sequence showing hyperintensities in the
corresponding area
Figure 3 & 4: DWI and ADC shows diffusion restriction without ADC correlate
Even infectious neurological disorders can present like an acute
vascular syndrome. Also, the atypical radiological features of the HSV
infection may simulate a vascular syndrome and mislead a clinician.
It is important to be aware of such a presentation while treating
patients with acute neurological deficits.
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