Biological Applications Department, Radioisotopes Applications Division, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Inshas, Cairo, Egypt
Corresponding author details:
Alsaied Alnaimy Habeeb
Biological Applications Department
Nuclear Research Center Cairo
© 2019 Habeeb AA. This is an
open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 international License, which permits
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and source are credited.
The changes in the environmental factors like ambient temperature, relative humidity,
wind speed and solar radiation causes stresses on farm animals, especially, lactating cattle.
Heat stress is a condition in which the animal body has problems in dissipating the excess
of heat. Results of inadequate heat dissipation range from general discomfort to symptoms
of heat stroke. Heat stress conditions estimated using some equations presented as
Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) or Heat Stress Index (HSI) or using different heat index
charts. THI is calculated based on the relationship between environmental temperature
and relative humidity. The HIS is a simple combination of environmental temperature and
humidity and has been designed as a measure of animal comfort. Heat Index Chart (HIC) is
a chart used by dairy producers to estimate this verity of heat stress on dairy cow. This HIC
utilizes ambient temperature and relative humidity, which are readily available to the dairy
producer and indicate from slight to severe heat stress on farm animals by some equations.
Climate change; THI; Farm Animal; Heat Stress Index; Heat Index Chart
Heat stress is influenced by air temperature, humidity, air movement, solar radiation,
and precipitation. However, Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) is a single value depicting
the integrated effects of air temperature and humidity associated with the level of heat
stress. The THI incorporates the effects of both temperature and relative humidity and is
commonly used to quantify the degree of heat stress on farm animals. Milk production is
lower during heat stress compared to thermo-neutral periods was found by [1]. This index
has been developed as a weather safety index to control and decrease the heat stress related
losses and formulas that associated mild, moderate, and severe heat stress in dairy cattle as
a function of THI was developed by [2]. THI is widely used in hot are as all over the world
and is commonly used as a practical indicator for the degree of stress on dairy cattle a used
by weather conditions because THI incorporates the effects of both ambient temperature
and relative humidity in an index. THI used extensively to estimate the degree of heat
stress in dairy and beef cattle and showed that various THI were predictive of milk yield
in cows in the south eastern United States. THI is better predictors of body temperature in
heat-stressed cows than other measurements of environmental conditions and the most
appropriate THI to measure losses in milk production due to heat stress in these miarid
climate of Arizona and the humid climate of Georgia and used different THI with different
weightings of dry bulb temperature and humidity was identified by [3] and concluded that
indices with higher weights on humidity were best in the humid climate, where as indices
with larger weights on temperature were the best indicators of heat stress in the semiarid
climate and humidity was the limiting factor of heat stress in humid climates, where as
dry bulb temperature was the limiting factor of heat stress in dry climates [4]. THI indices
are often placed into classes to indicate the degree of heat stress and the terms used to
describe these classes and the ranges of THI used to define each class are arbitrary [5]. Heat
stress is caused by a combination of environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity,
solar radiation, air movement, and precipitation). Many indices combining these different
environmental factors to measure the level of heat stress [6]. The majority of studies on
heat stress in livestock have focused mainly on temperature and relative humidity because
data on the amount of thermal radiation received by the animal, wind speed, and rainfall
are not publicly available and temperature and humidity records can be usually obtained
from a meteorological station located nearby. The THI as indicators to heat stress of climatic
conditions with relation to production and reproduction of farm animals is the main
objective of this review article.
Using Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) Equations
THI is a simple combination of temperature and humidity and has been designed as a measure of animal comfort. THI is a parameter widely used to describe heat load on animals and is a good indicator of stress full thermal climatic conditions. THI is calculated using the equation: THI = 0.8 DBT + RH x (DBT-14.4) + 46.4 where, DBT is dry bulb temperature (o C) and RH is Relative Humidity in decimal form. A THI of 74 or less is considered normal, 75 to 78 is alert status, 79 to 83 is danger status, and a THI equal to or above 84 is an emergency [7]. The THI is arrived at from a combination of wet and Dry Bulb air temperature in Fahrenheit for a particular day and expressed in a formula as follows: THI=0.72 (W°C+D°C) + 40.6 where W°C = wet bulb and D°C = dry bulb. Temperature-Humidity Index values of 70 or less are considered comfortable, 75-78 stressful, and values >78 present extreme distress and animals are unable to maintain thermo regulatory mechanisms or normal temperature [8]. THI easily measured weather factors into a possible measure to compare temperature and humidity data and animal response at different locations [9]. A significant depression in milk production and reproduction occurs at an average daily THI of above 76 and some depression may also occur between 68 and 76 in animals milking at high levels or acclimated to a lower THI [9]. The delayed impact of climatic variables on production could be related to alter feed intake, delay between intake and utilization of consumed nutrients, or changes in the endocrine status of the cow. A mean daily THI average above 72 reduces milk yield, increasing THI in a range of 71 to 81 reduces the milk yield and intake of total digestible nutrient of protein for dairy cows [10].
THI is still the simplest, easy and most practical index for measuring
environmental conditions and relatively trust worthy to use body
temperature and respiratory rate as parameters to determine heat
stress in cattle, i.e. these physiological parameters must always be
used together with THI values to determine and evaluate heat stress
in cattle [10]. Perez [10] THI values categorized as follows: THI=<70:
normal, no heat stress precautions needed. THI = 70-80: alert, be
prepared to take extra precautions and do not leave a vehicle loaded
with animals standing in the sun. THI = 79-83: danger, additional
precautions should be taken to protect animals and use of sprinklers
and fans in loading areas. THI = >84: emergency. Stress starts to occur
when the THI is 68o
F or above and becomes serious above 79/80oF.
The negative effect of heat stress on farm animal include: Increased
body temperature (>102.6 F), the normal body temperature of dairy
cow is 101.5oF, increased panting > 80 breaths per minute (35-45
normal), reduced activity, water intake will increase by 30% or more
during heat stress, reduced feed in take (>10-15% reduction) to
produce less metabolic heat and finally reduced Milk Yield (10-20%
or more) [11]. West [11] shows ambient temperature and relative
humidity combinations that produce mild heat stress (THI 72 to 79),
moderate heat stress (THI 79 to 89) and severe heat stress (THI>89).
Livestock and Poultry Heat Stress Indices, Clemson University [12]
developed indices including the effects of both ambient temperature
and relative humidity as follows: In big animals (cattle, buffaloes,
sheep and goats) when the temperature is in Fahrenheit. Author
proposed the equation of THI as follows: THI=db°F - [(0.55-0.55xRH)
(db°F-58)] where db°F = dry bulb temperature (in Fahrenheit) and
RH=relative humidity percentage (RH %) /100. THI values obtained
are classified as followed: Less than 72 = absence of heat stress, 72 to
<74 = Moderate heat stress, 74 to < 78 = severe heat stress and 78 and
more =v ery severe heat stress. In small animals (rabbits and poultry)
the same equation mentioned will be used and THI is classified to:
<82 = absence of heat stress, 82 to <84 = moderate heat stress, 84 to
< 86 = severe heat stress and 86 and more = very severe heat stress.
The equation applied when the ambient temperature is expressed in
Celsius as followed by [13] as followed: THI = db °C- [(0.31-0.31RH)
(db°C-14. 4)] where db °C = dry bulb temperature in Celsius and RH =
relative humidity percentage (RH)/100. In larger animas, the values
obtained are then classified as follows: < 22.2 = absence of heat stress,
22.2 to < 23. 3 = moderate heat stress, 23.3 to < 25.6 = severe heat
stress and 25. 6 and more = very severe heat stress. In small animals,
the values obtained are classified as follows: < 27.8 = absence of heat
stress, 27.8 to < 28.9 = moderate heat stress, 28.9 to <30.0 = severe
heat stress and 30.0 and more= very severe heat stress. THI was also suggested by [4] as following: THI = (1.8*AT+32) − [(0.55−0.0055*
RH) × (1.8* AT −26)], where AT = air temperature (ºC), and RH =
relative humidity (%) and reported that THI thresholds for heat
stress in cattle as following: comfort (THI < 68), mild discomfort
(68 < THI < 72), discomfort (72 < THI < 75), alert (75 < THI < 79),
danger (79 < THI < 84) and emergency (THI > 84). Comparison of
the values of THI used for larger animals with that of small animals
shows that small animals tolerate higher climatic stress than do
large mammals. This may be due to the small animals higher body
temperature. Preferably, average daily THI should be the average of
THI calculated at one or two hour intervals. An average THI calculated
from maximum and minimum ambient temperature with respective
THI will also give an estimate of the average THI of the day that can
serve well for productive purposes. The THI is calculated according
to [15]: THI= (9/5 temperature °C + 32) – (11/2-11/2×humidity) ×
(9/5 temperature°C-26). According to his formulas, heat stress in
dairy cattle starts at a THI of 72, which corresponds to 22°C at 100%
humidity, 25°C at 50% humidity, or 28°C at 20% humidity. There are
several THI to estimate the degree of thermal stress experienced by
dairy cows as following: THI according to the formula of the National
Research Council [16]: THI = (1.8×T+32) (0.55-0.0055×RH) × (1.8×T26) where T = air temperature in degrees Celsius and RH = relative
humidity in percent. Numerous studies established THI thresholds
for heat stress in cattle: comfort (THI<68), mild discomfort
Figure 1: Calculated THI from air temperature and relative humidity
Table1: Temperature and humidity combinations yielding a THI
of 72
Increasing population, which is estimated to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, the global demand for live stock products is projected to increase by 70% and over 50% of the cattle population is located in the tropics and it has been appraised that heat stress causes ever economic loss in approximately 60% of the dairy farms around the world [23]. Cattle can with stand low temperatures to -37oC but temperatures over 23o C can cause stress when combined with high humidity, low air movement or direct sun. Animal has several mechanisms to help dissipate body heat including conduction, where the cow conducts heat to a cooler surface, convection, where thermal currents leave the cow’s body, radiation, where the cow radiates heat to a cooler environment and evaporation, where moisture is evaporated from the surface of her body (sweating) and from her lungs (panting) [24]. The animal body protects itself by dissipating excess heat to the environment through mechanisms that include vasodilatation and sweating. When the body’s core temperature exceeds 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, vasodilatation begins as the heart increases blood flow to microscopic vessels in the upper layers of skin and consequently excess heat is then transferred to the cooler exterior environment. If increasing the blood circulation to the skin can not sufficiently cool the body or if the surrounding air is warmer than the skin, then the brain signals sweat glands to release sweat to the skin [25]. The sweat then evaporates, carrying additional heat from the body as it undergoes the phase transition from liquid to vapor. High ambient humidity decreases the rate of sweat evaporation and consequently the body’s capacity to dissipate heat through this mechanism [26].
The severity of heat stress issues on cows will increase as global warming progresses. Climate change is even beginning to cause unease associated with the increase of global green house gases and the most important impacts of climate change will occur precisely among producers with a subsistence economy in tropical regions of developing countries [27]. The potential effect of climate change on cattle has been linked to the economic viability of the various animal production systems, since the increase of ambient temperature during summer periods is associated with the decrease of voluntary intake of food, causing reductions in weight in feedlot cattle and a drop in milk production in dairy cattle [28]. During heat stress, the cool period of hours per day with temperature less than 210 C provides a margin of safety to reduce the effects of heat stress on decreased milk production. Using minimum, mean and maximum ambient temperatures, the upper critical temperatures for milk production are 21, 27 and 320 C, respectively. Using THI as the thermal environment indicator, the critical values for minimum, mean and maximum THI are 64, 72 and 76, respectively. Heat stress has adverse effects on production of dairy cattle [29-33].
Heat stress lead to reduced dry matter intake, productivity, increased rectal temperature, respiration rate and panting to maintain body temperature. Decreased dry matter intake and alterations in physiological activities can adversely affect milk production. Per unit increase in THI beyond 72, 0.2 kg reduction in milk yield was recorded in dairy cows [31]. High yielding cows are more susceptible to heat stress than low yielding cows, as feed intake and milk production increases thermo-neutral zone shifts to lower temperature. Hence, heat stressed cow activates its physical and biochemical process to counter stress and to maintain thermal equilibrium. Regulations made by cow include heat dissipation to the environment and reduced production of metabolic heat [30]. In non-cooled farms heat stress can cause 40-50% decline in milk yield while in cooled farms it can go up to 10-15% [31]. In addition, live stock with health problems and the most productive animals (e. g. , highest growth rate or milk production) are at greatest risk of heat stress [34]. Heat stress will reduce milk production in dairy cows: a 10% drop in yield at2 7-32o C (80-90o F) and 50-90% humidity; and more than 25% drop at 32- 38oC (90-100o F) with 50-90% humidity and the effects are more pronounced in higher producing cows [35]. Heat stress also lowers natural immunity making animals more vulnerable to disease in the following days and weeks, Reduced feed intake (which is a natural response to reducing metabolic heat) and rapid shallow breathing; open mouth breathing with panting at higher temperatures. Respiration rates increase with increasing temperatures from 14 to 34o C (57-93o F). If more than 20% of cows have respiratory rates exceeding 100 breaths per minute, action is needed to reduce stress. Start of sweating and increased saliva production. Increased water intake e. g. cows 10 gal/day at 20o C (68o F); 32 gal at 35o C (95o F) and more for high producing cows and requirements for beef cattle increase 150% between 21-32o C (70-90o F) [36,37].
Generally, mild heat stress is considered to begin at a THI of 72 for cattle with stress increasing to moderate levels at 79 and severe levels at 89 [38]. Heat stress in dairy cows occurs when the THI index is higher than 72 and milk yield and feed intake start to decline [39,40]. In Turkey [41] found that THI values at 14. 00 pm in January, February, March, April, November and December were < 72 where as THI values at 14. 00 pm obtained in June, July, August and September were > 72. Milk production and feed intake begin to decline when THI reaches 72 and continue to decline sharply at a THI value of 76 or greater and concluded that milk yield decreases of 10-40% have been reported for Holstein cows during the summer as compared to the winter. It was also suggested that as the THI values increased from 68-78, dry matter intake decreased by 1.73 kg and milk production by 4 kg under Mediterranean climatic conditions [41]. In their search of [42] in Poland, the increase in THI value led to the decrease in daily milk yield from 0.18 to 0.36 kg per THI unit. For each point increase in the value of THI beyond 69, milk production drops by 0.41 kg per cow per day in the Mediterranean climatic regime. Further, for every 1°C in air temperature above thermal neutral zone cause 0. 85 kg reduction in feed intake, which causes ~ 36% decline in milk production and the gross efficiency of conversion of feed to milk (kg FCM per kg DMI) was lower significantly for heat-stressed cows (0. 82 vs 0.99) [43]. Therefore, authors suggested that an adaptive mechanism must have occurred in the heat stressed cows, resulting in higher maintenance requirements and lower efficiency of energy use for milk production. The reduction in milk production during heat stress may be due to decreased nutrient intake and decreased nutrient uptake by the portal drained viscera of the cow. Blood flow shifted to peripheral tissues for cooling purposes may alter nutrient metabolism and contribute to lower milk yield during hot weather [44]. Effects of THI in spring period (68 ± 3.75) and 78 ± 3.23 in summer period on milk production, milk composition and dry matter intake (DMI) in lactating Friesian-Holstein cows under the Mediterranean climate were studied by [43]. Authors reported that daily THI was negatively correlated to milk yield (r = –0.76) and feed intake (r= –0.24) and when the THI value increased from 68 to 78, milk production decreased by 21% and DMI by 9.6%. The negative slope of the regression line indicates that milk production decreases as THI increases [43]. This is best expressed by the following equation: Milk production (kg/cow/ day) = (47.722–0.4129 × THI (R2 = 0.760). This regression indicates that, in general, for each point increase in the THI value above 69, there was a decrease in milk yield of 0.41 kg per cow per day. The value of this relationship for predictive purposes is relatively high, as depicted by an R2 value of 0.760. As the THI values increases from 68 to 78, DMI decreased by 1.73 kg and milk production by 4 kg. The regression equation indicates that milk yield drops by 0.41 kg per cow per day for each point increase in the value of THI above 69. Milk yield decreased by 0.41 kg per cow per day for each point increase in the THI values above 69. Milk fat (3.24 vs 3.58%) and milk protein (2.88 vs 2.96%) were lower for the summer group.
Heat stress could be reason of the significant increase of production cost in the dairy industry. The effect of THI values on the daily production of dairy cattle in Croatia was evaluated by [43] and found that heat stress conditions indicated with mean daily values of THI > 72 were determined during spring and summer season and absence of heat stress conditions during autumn and winter season. The same authors found that a highly significant decrease of daily milk yield as well as of daily fat and protein content due to enhanced THI in all cows regard less the parity number. Heat stress induces increase of body temperature and when the body temperature is significantly elevated, feed intake, metabolism, body weight and milk yields decrease to help alleviate the heat imbalance and the permanent drop in the lactation is proportional to the length of the heat stress [44]. Milk production is affected by heat stress when THI values are higher than 72, which corresponds to 22°C at 100% humidity, 25°C at 50% humidity, or 28°C at 20% humidity. The amount of milk yield decrease during the summer period in comparison with the winter period for Holstein cows about 10% to 40% [46]. Under Mediterranean climatic conditions, milk yield drops by 0.41 kg per cow per day for each point increase in the value of THI above 69 [41]. When the THI value increased from 68 to 78, milk production was reduced by 21% and dry matter intake was reduced by 9.6% [43]. The decreased milk production during heat stress can be due to dwindled nutrient uptake by portal drained viscera of the cattle and decreased nutrient uptake [44,45]. Milk yield reductions of 10 to 40% have been reported for Holstein cows during summer as compared to winter [47]. In Germany, [48] indicated a milk yield decline between 0.08 and 0.26 kg for every increase in THI unit, depending on the region. Moreover, heat stress is associated with changes in milk composition; milk Somatic Cell Counts and mastitis frequencies [47,48].
A significant negative correlation between THI and DMI was determined for cows in the south-eastern U. S. [49]. Feed lot cattle performance and mortality rate are related to the THI [50]. Milk yield declined by 0.2 kg per unit increase in THI when THI exceeded 72 [51]. The daily THI was negatively correlated to milk yield (r = -0.76) and feed intake (r = -0.24) [41]. Same authors also determined that milk yield decreased by 0.41kg per cow per day for each point increase in the THI > 69. During hot weather, milk yield for Holsteins declined 0.88 kg per THI unit increase for the 2-d lag of mean THI, while DMI declined 0.85 kg for each degree (°C) increase in the mean air temperature [31]. The study of [52] showed that the daily milk yield decreased around 2.2 kg/day when the THI values increased from 65 to 73. However, in the warning to critical range of THI of 70-72, performance of dairy cattle is inhibited and cooling becomes desirable and at THI of 72-78, milk production is seriously affected as well as in the dangerous category at THI of 78-82, performance is severely affected and cooling of the animals becomes essential. The relationship of THI with milk production, feed intake and feed efficiency of Holstein-Frisian cows in different season soft hey ear was presented by [53] and found that the heat stress reduced daily milk yield, decreased for age intake and increased the efficiency of conversion of feed to milk (from 1.6 to 1.59 kg milk/kg milk) as the THI value was 79 in the summer period The regression equation obtained indicates that daily milk yield drops, daily for age intake drops per cow per day and food efficiency increases per kg food when the value of THI increases. The critical periods of year for dairy cows using the THI was during time from mid-May and the end of October and concluded that Farmers should take measurements when the THI is above 72 during the summer months to prevent the losses in milk production and changes in milk composition, milk somatic cell counts and mastitis frequencies. Therefore, farmer’s should take measurements when the THI is above 72 during the summer months to prevent the losses in milk production and changes in milk composition, milk somatic cell counts and mastitis frequencies.
The THI has been used as a heat stress as the heat stress effects on milk production and pregnancy rate in cows and also used to determine different groups of cows according to animal responses to heat stress and associate them with their bio-production [54,55]. Lactating dairy cows experience heat stress when THI rises above 72, with severe heat stress occurring when THI exceeds 88 and some factors such as level of milk production, air movement, sun exposure and duration of these conditions may impact THI values, such that animals may experience more severe heat stress at lower temperature and relative humidity values [56].
A significant depression in milk production and reproduction occurs at an average daily THI of above 76 and some depression may also occur between 68 and 76 in animals milking at high levels or acclimated to a lower THI [9]. Heat stress lead to reduced dry matter intake, productivity, increased rectal temperature, respiration rate and panting to maintain body temperature. Decreased DMI and alterations in physiological activities can adversely affect milk production. Per unit increase in THI beyond 72, 0.2 kg reduction in milk yield was recorded in dairy cows [31]. In non-cooled farms heat stress can cause 40-50% decline in milk yield while in cooled farms it can go upto10- 15% [31]. For each point increase in the value of THI beyond 69, milk production drops by 0.41 kg per cow per day in the Mediterranean climatic regime [44]. Further, for every 1°C in air temperature above thermal neutral zone cause 0.85 kg reduction in feed intake, which causes ~36% decline in milk production [43]. High yielding cows are more susceptible to heat stress than low yielding cows, as feed intake and milk production increases thermo-neutral zone shifts to lower temperature. Regulations made by cow include heat dissipation to the environment and reduced production of metabolic heat [30]. Heat stress can makes changes in the feeding pattern, rumen function and udder health ultimately leads to decreased milk production. THI and the impact of heat stress on dairy production are shown below in (Figure 3).
Moderate signs of heat stress may occur when the temperature is between 26.7 to 32.2°C with humidity ranging from 50 to 90%. These signs include rapid shallow breathing, profuse sweating and an approximately 10% decrease in milk production and feed intake. As temperature rises to 32.2 to 37.8°C and humidity remains as 50 to 90%, the cow shows severe depression in milk yield, usually greater than 25%, in feed intake. As body temperature elevates, cows begin exhibiting more significant signs of heat stress, such as open mouth breathing with panting and tongue hanging out THI value is greater than 90 results in severe signs of heat stress in the high producing cows and moderate signs in lower producing cows. In severe cases, cows may die from extreme heat, especially when complicated with other stresses such as illness or calving [57]. The Livestock Conservation Institute evaluated the biological responses to varying THI values and categorized them into mild, moderate and severe stress levels for cattle. The sensitivity of cattle to thermal stress is increased when milk production is increased, thus reducing the threshold temperature when milk loss begins to occur. For example, when milk production is increased from 35 to 45 kg/d, the threshold temperature for heat stress is reduced by 5°C [58]. This is due to the fact that metabolic heat output increases as production levels of the animal increase. When evaluating test day yields results showed a decrease of 0.2 kg per unit of THI increase above 72 when THI was composed of maximum temperature and minimum humidity [59]. In order to avoid economic production losses, dairy producers need to be informed of the level of cooling to be implemented immediately when heat stress occurs. Research has indicated that the effects of a given temperature on milk production are maximal between 24 and 48 hours following heat stress and elevated core body temperature will reduce milk output, percentages of milk protein, fat, solids and lactose [60]. The same authors reported also that ambient weather conditions two days prior to milk yield measurement had the greatest correlation to decreases in milk production and DMI. The heat stress adversely affects both the quantity and quality of milk during first 60 days of lactation and high yielding breeds are more susceptible than the low yielding breeds [61] (Figure 4).
Cattle that are affected by heat stress show reduction in feed intake and milk yield and shift metabolism, which in turn reduces their milk production efficiency. Heat stressed cattle may try to reduce the body heat through thermo regulatory mechanisms which in turn affect feed conversion efficiency and lead to decreased milk production [62]. Heat stress can make changes in the feeding pattern, rumen function and udder health ultimately leads to decreased milk production. Most livestock species perform well in the temperature range of 10-30°C, beyond this limit cattle tend to reduce milk yield and feed intake [63]. Temperature above 35°C may activate thermal stress in animals directly reducing the feed intake of animal thereby creating a negative energy balance which ultimately affects synthesis of milk [64]. Heat stress can cause yield loss up to 600 or 900 kg milk per cow per lactation [31]. Heat stress can alter metabolic activity and reduce feed intake which may ultimately culminate in reducing the milk yield [65]. It has been established that only 35% of the reduction in milk yield is due to decreased feed intake remaining 65% reduction is due to the direct physiological effect of heat stress [66]. Decreased nutrient absorption, alteration in rumen function and hormonal imbalance are other factors which contribute to reduced milk production during heat stress [67]. Holstein lactating cows exposed to short term heat stress showed significant reduction in milk production of 1.7 ± 0.32 kg. However, during the recovery phase, milk decline was recorded to be much lesser of about 1.2 ± 0.32 kg [68]. In an experiment on Holstein cows to assess the decrease in milk yields due to heat stress in tropical conditions, a yield loss of 0. 23kg per day was observed for unit rise of THI above 66 [69]. In southern Brazil, [70] observed 21% milk yield loss in commercial herd of Holstein cows due to heat stress. Similarly, in an experiment conducted in Missourian Holstein cows showed a 0.56 milk yield decline for the temperature range 24-35°C [71]. Milk production and feed intake begin to decline when THI reaches 72 and continue to decline sharply at a THI value of 76 or greater and Milk yield decreases of 10 to 40% have been reported for Holstein cows during the summer as compared to the winter [72]. The reason for reduced milk production is the negative energy balance as the animal try to maintain homeostasis to avoid hyperthermia. Decrease in milk yield gets further intensified, due to reduced feeding take by the cattle to counter the heat stress [73]. Further, heat stress causes decline in the level of non-esterified fatty acid and hepatic glucose leading to reduced supply of glucose to the mammary glands which in turn negatively affect lactose synthesis leading to reduced milk yield in Holstein cows [74]. It has been observed that milk yield starts declining by 0.2kg for every unit rise in THI value above 72 [75]. There are further reports establishing the negative correlation between THI values and milk yield [64]. Reduced milk yield and milk protein fraction was also recorded in cattle exposed to heat stress [76]. For every 1°C in temperature above 21-27°C production decline of approximately 36% was recorded in dairy cattle [66]. Heat stress during dry period also affects mammary gland development before parturition which ultimately leads to reduced milk yield in subsequent lactation [77]. High yielding cows are most affected due to heat stress than low yielding cows. High yielding cows have to consume more feed to meet their dietary requirements; reduced feed in take during heat stress may curb the cow to meet its dietary requirement for milk synthesis. When THI exceeds above 65-73, a milk yield reduction of 5 pounds per cow per day is observed, for a herd of 150 cow’s loss can go up to $3375 per year [78]. Besides having an effect on milk yield, heat stress could also alter the milk composition. In Mediterranean dairy sheep, a decrease of daily fatplus- protein production by 8.6 g (4.4%) per unit increase of the THI value registered at the day before the test day over the threshold of 23 was observed by [79]. Lactose and solids-not-fat percent age sin dairy goats were significantly decreased a thigh THI in comparison with low and moderate THI [80]. Heat stress reduces milk yield of dairy animals and half of this decrease in milk yield is due to decreased DMI and the other half of milk production losses might be demonstrated by the increment in maintenance requirements [81], reduction in the secretion of growth hormone, and dropping blood influx to the udder, up-regulating the activity of apoptosis genes in the mammary tissues and down regulating the expression of milk protein genes [82]. Reduced efficiency of energy utilization for milk production by 30 to 50% has been reported for dairy cows in hotter environments [83].
Heat tolerance is known as the ability of the animals top reserve expression of their hereditary functional potential during their lifetime when raised under hot conditions [84]. Concerning to tolerance to heat varies, Holsteins are less tolerant than Jersey cows, beef cattle with black hair suffer more from direct solar radiation than those with lighter hair, lactating cattle are more susceptible than dry cows because of the additional metabolic heat generated during lactation, heavier cattle over 455 kg are more susceptible than lighter ones, sick or previously stressed animals are susceptible as are recently fresh cows and cattle is more prone to heat stress than sheep and goats (the comfort range of goats is 0-30oC (32-86oF) [85].
Elevated temperature and humidity negatively affects feed in take ultimately leading to decreased milk production. It has been observed that heat stress can create a significant economic burden to dairy industry to a tune of about $900 million per year [86]. Further, during heat stress, decline in milk production are a common phenomenon and the reduction was recorded to be between 30-40% [87]. The impact of heat stress on dairy cattle was established and estimated the annual economic loss to be 897-1,500 million dollars to US dairy industry [88]. In another study it was established that severe heat stress caused a loss of $800 million dollars to the US dairy industry [89]. Further, it was also reported that the Californian dairy farmers lost more than 1 billion dollars of milk and animals during 2006 heat wave [90]. In addition, heat stress is estimated to have lowered annual milk production in the average dairy by about $39,000, total in g $1.2 billion loss of production for the entire US dairy sector [91]. Same authors reported that summer and spring were these sons with the highest and lowest frequency of deaths, respectively, and within summer months, the number of deaths in July and August was higher than in June. The proportion of culling and deaths from all causes in transition dairy cows was higher during the hottest calving months. During the severe and prolonged heat waves that occurred in Europe during the summer of 2003, over 35,000 people, and thousands of pigs, poultry, and rabbits died in the French regions of Brittany and Pays-de-la-Loire [92]
There are several strategies were suggested to alleviate the heat
stress to maintain or increase the productivity. One strategy used
to minimize the effects of heat stress is to modify the environment
in which cows are kept by providing hade to reduce solar radiation
or using sprinklers to increase evaporative cooling. Manipulation of
certain diet ingredients is another strategy that may be beneficial
[45,94]. Decreasing fiber intake within limits of maintaining adequate
fiber levels for proper rumen function can be effective in partially
alleviating heat stress [95].
Figure 3: THI and the impact of heat stress on dairy production
Figure 4: Pictorial representation of heat stress impacting milk
production in dairy cattle.
Negative relationships between THI and reproductive performances in dairy cows were documented by many authors [4,5]. Heat stress can cause reproductive problems such as reduced semen quality and lower birth weights, and compromise the immune system and high temperatures affect the developing embryo and can lead to lower conception rates [43]. Fertility in dairy cows is welldefined as the ability of the animal to conceive and maintain pregnancy if inseminated at the appropriate time relative to ovulation [95]. Poor estrous detection and embryonic or fetal losses are among the leading causes for poor reproductive performance. During the post partum period, about 50% of standing periods of estrus are undetected and this failure in estrous detection can increase the average interval between successive inseminations to about 40-50 days and reduces both reproductive efficiency and profitability [96]. Heat stress severely reduces pregnancy rates in dairy cows and conception rates of lactating cows decreased sharply when maximum air temperature on day after insemination exceeded 300 C. In contrast, conception rates for heifers did not decline until 350 C. Virgin heifers had higher conception rates for all services (50%) than lactating cows (34%) and suffered only a slight depression of fertility during summer months. Heifers required 1.5 services per conception compared with 2.3 for lactating cows. Concept ion rates decreased from 40 to 50% during months when ambient temperatures are greater and to be less than 10% during the months of the year when ambient temperatures are lesser [97]. High temperatures lowered conception rate sin cows more than in heifers, since lactating cows were usually unable to maintain normal body temperature under heat stress conditions because of the high rates of lactation associated internal heat production [98]. Higher environmental temperature is one of the major factors responsible for reduced fertility in farm animals. Heat stress can compromise reproductive events by decreasing the expression of estrous behavior, altering ovarian follicular development, compromising oocyte competence, and inhibiting embryonic development [99].
Heat stress also increases the production GF2α in the endometrium, leading to the early regression of corpus leuteum or the death of embryos. It was observed that heat stress from 8 to 16 days after insemination modulated the uterine environment reduced the weigh to fcorporalutea and impaired concepts growth [100]. In addition to effects on embryonic mortality, heat stress decreases the intensity and duration of behavioral estrus so that a smaller proportion of cows are detected in estrus under heat stress conditions [101]. The interval from parturition to conception during summer was 24- 67 days longer than during the winter even though barns during summer were supplied with evaporative coolers [102]. In heat stressed cows, the intrauterine environment is compromised which results in a reduced blood flow to the uterus and elevated uterine temperature and these changes suppress embryonic development increase early embryonic loss and minimize the proportion of successful inseminations [103]. High ambient temperature will also affect pre-attachment stage embryos but the magnitude of the effect has been reduced as the embryos develop [104]. Holstein heifers subjected to heat stress from the onset of estrus had increased proportion of abnormal and developmentally disturbed embryos as compared with heifers preserved at thermo-neutrality and the production of embryos by super ovulation is often reduced and embryonic development compromised in seasons when ambient temperatures are greater [105]. Heat stress can affect endometrial prostaglandin secretion, leading to premature luteolysis and embryo loss. However, the majority of embryo loss occurs before day 42 in heat stressed cows [106]. Heat stress in the period around the day of breeding was consistently associated with reduced conception rate [107]. Abortions represent a loss of reproductive efficiency in normal bovine populations, and spontaneous abortion of dairy cows is an increasingly important problem that contributes substantially to low herd viability and production in efficiency by decreasing the number of potential female herd replacements and lifetime milk production and by increasing costs associated with breeding and premature culling [108]. A positive relationship between heat stress during the pre-implantation period and early feta loss in dairy cattle was found by [109]. Heat stress define as a daily maximum THI of 72 or more from day 35 before to the day 6 after the day of breeding decreases conception rate of lactating dairy cows by around 30% relative today’s of breeding and when maximum THI during three to one day pre–artificial insemination values were greater than 80, conception rate decreased from 30.6% to 23.0 % [110]. Conception and pregnancy rates in pure bred Holstein cow sunder subtropical Egyptian conditions were significantly decreased from 31.6% and 26.3% at the lesser THI to11.5% and 9.9%, respectively, than at the greater THI. At the same time, conception and pregnancy rates were significantly reduced at either the less error greater THI while embryonic loss rate was significantly increased from 11.5% at the lesser THI to 22.2% at the greater THI [111].
The relationship between THI and conception rate of lactating
dairy cows, to estimate a threshold for this relationship, and to
identify periods of exposure to heat stress relative to breeding in
an area of moderate climate was studied by [112]. The authors
compared three different heat load indices related to conception
rate: mean THI, maximum THI, and number of hours above the mean
THI threshold. The THI threshold for the influence of heat stress
on conception rate was 73. It was statistically chosen based on the
observed relationship between the mean THI at the day of breeding
and the he is resulting conception rate. Negative effects of heat stress,
however, were already apparent at lower levels of THI, and 1hour of
mean THI of 73 or more decreased the conception rate significantly.
The conception rate of lactating dairy cows was negatively affected
by heat stress both before and after the day of breeding. The greatest
negative impact of heat stress on conception rate was observed 21
to 1 day before breeding. When the mean THI was 73 or more in
this period, conception rate decreased from 31% to 12%. Compared
with the average maximum THI and the total number of hours above
at threshold of more than or 9 hours, the mean THI was the most
sensitive heat load index relating to conception rate. These results
indicate that the conception rate of dairy cows raised in the moderate
climate sis highly affected by heat stress. The relationship between
temperature and breeding efficiency and found that seasonal high
environmental temperatures were associated with low breeding
efficiency was determined by [113]. The authors found that increased
maximum temperature from 29.70
C to 33.90
C was associated with
a decrease in conception rate on first service from 25 to 7%. Fetal
loss rate of Holstein was significantly increased from 17.1% at low
THI to 24.9% at greater THI and abortion and still birth rates were
significantly increased from 3.6% and 3.8%, respectively, at low THI
to 7.2% and 5.9%, respectively, at greater THI [114]. The Author
concluded that Holstein cows had a significantly longer calving
interval and days open at high THI (449 and 173 days, respectively),
compared with low THI (421 and 146 days, respectively). Heat stress
affects reproduction by inhibiting the synthesis of g on adotropin
-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone which are essential for
oestrus behaviour expression and ovulation [115]. Further, only
fewer standing heats are observed during heat stress, which may
ultimately lead to decreased pregnancy rate. Body temperature
greater than 39°C may have a negative impact on the developing embryofromday1-6 and lead to loss of pregnancy. Heat stress during
late gestation, mayalsoleadtocowscalving10-14 days before their due
date [116].
Heat stress is one of the major concerns which affect the
production and reproduction potential of farm animals almost in every
part of world. Elevated temperature and humidity as presented in
THI negatively affects feed intake and altered hormone concentration
leading to negatively affecting he productive and reproductive
efficiency of dairy cattle.
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