

Knowledge Status; Regarding Mental Retardation and Mental Disorders Inkingdom of Saudi Arabia with Concentration in Tabuk Area

Manal Amir1, Farhana s. Taha Pasha1* 

1 Department of Biology, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

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Amir M, Basha FST. Knowledge Status; Regarding Mental Retardation and Mental Disorders Inkingdom of Saudi Arabia with Concentration in Tabuk Area. Biomed Res Rev. 2020 Mar;3(2):124


In the present study, the knowledge regarding mental retardation and mental disorders have been observed by descriptive epidemiology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was carried. A survey was carried out by means of a questionnaire in Tabuk area. It was found that the knowledge of people was average concerning the types, the prevalence and inheritance of genetic disorders.The high rate of consanguinity in Saudi Arabia has long been exploited to accelerate the annotation of recessive Mendelian genes. Estimated recurrence risk of genetic disorders is >1%.The need for genetic counseling is underscored.A condensed public education program in addition to education of all health care providers who can play an essential role will be highly cost effective in reducing the burden in genetic disorders in the KSA.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a large landmass occupying almost four fifth of Arabian landscape. In Saudi Arabia genetic disorders have been at high frequency due to many reasons including marriages in first cousins and close genetically ally relatives. The high prevalence has been recorded by many researchers from within and outside Saudi Arabia. This high incidence rate has made premarital screening for genetic abnormalities compulsory in the kingdom [1]. Many counseling centers have also been opened to discourage marriages which might result in an increase of genetic disorders in the coming generations [2]. The most occurring incidences are that of autosomal recessive genetic disorders which are more prevalent here then equated to other populations [3].The desert environment adds to the health issues with asthma and respiratory infections at the highest prevalence followed by diabetes, obesity etc. The prime reason for all the major genetic disorders remains a consanguinity marriage [4] which contributes about 50% of the total cause of genetic disorders [5].

Modes operands

Relevant literatures were retrieved from different journals and web pages to highlight the definition, importance and types of genetic disorders. A questionnaire was designed to reflect the prevalence of genetic disorders concerning the following groups: Mental Retardation & Mental Disorders. Analysis was done using SPSS.


As evident from the result of the questioner the knowledge related to mental retardation and mental disorder in the kingdom is low (Figures 1,2).

Figure 1: Knowledge of mental retardation prevalence

Figure 2: Spread of mental disorders


There are about 35 million people in Saudi Arabia comparison of Indigenous and expat (∼30%) community from all over the globe. The high prevalence of consanguinity marriages in Saudi Arabia has always been demoralized to speed up the annotation of hierarchy/ genetic disorders. Estimated recurrence risk of genetic disorders is > 1%. The need for genetic counseling is underscored. A condensed public education program in addition to education of all health care providers who can play an essential role will be highly cost effective in reducing the burden in genetic disorders in the KSA.


  1. Saudi Arabia’s social protection system to ensure equitable distribution. Arab News. 2019-02-15. Retrieved 2019-02-17. 
  2. Pass KA. Lessons learned from newborn screening for phenylketonuria In: Khoury MJ, Burke W, Thompson EJ eds. Genetics and public health in the 21 stcentury. New York, Oxford University Press. 2000:385-403.
  3. Al-Owain M, Al-Zaidan H, Al-Hassnan Z. Map of autosomal recessive genetic disorders in Saudi Arabia: concepts and future directions. Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Oct;158A(10):2629-2640. 
  4. Ahmed S. Risk reduction of genetic disorders by pre-marital and neonatal screening. Eastern Bioethics and Life Sciences. Dubai, UAE. 2011.
  5. Al-Khaldi YM, Al-Sharif AI, Sadiq AA, Ziady HH. Attitudes to premarital counseling among students of Abha Health Sciences College. Saudi Med J. 2002 Aug;23(8):986-990.